About Us

Where Quality and Safety Meet

Since existence, we are strongly committed in providing the same quality health-conscious products to our valued customers that we serve at our own home table dinner.

Carefully selecting raw and fresh materials, technically crafting the meat with uniquely traditional Khmer spices, beautifully packing the products with eco-friendly materials, and properly storing every packed product at standard temperature make our meat products truly premium and highly safe.

Our standard packed products are widely available at supermarkets, food retailers, vegetable shops, convenient stores, petrol stations and hotels, while our bulk products are further combined and processed at bakeries, restaurants, entertainment clubs, hospitals and medical clinics.

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From Our Blog

Fresh Eggs From Caroline’s Far1

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Fresh Eggs From Caroline’s Farm

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dolor siterim consectetur adipiscing elit ...

Discover Fresh Organic Farms In Switzeland Villages

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